Java part rework - concept

Robert Schuster r.schuster at
Fri Jul 15 17:25:48 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,
I improved some rough edges of the implementation from two days ago and
added some more documentation.

I also added a very minimal version of the Application starter code.
The first version was using a multiline textfield to log certain parts
of the startup. Now that I know how everything is working together I
minimized that part.

I asked Christian to check the Proof Of Concept code from an Android
developer's perspective and asked for help for a few little things. I
hope he gets the time to do it soon. If everything is alright I am going
to merge some cleanup changes for current Ministro including the
translation work done by Christian and then I create a branch to
implement all the PoC-tested Java part rework ideas.


Am 13.07.2011 15:55, schrieb Robert Schuster:
> Hi,
> w00t! I have a starting Android application that uses the loader concept.
> It also does a super aggresive 'implement everything from the activity
> in non-app code'. In other words all the logic about the Application's
> Activity is actually in the Loader because the Application itself
> delegates every onXXX-method to it. I am especially happy that the very
> crucial protected onXXX methods like onCreate, onPause etc. are also
> delegated and that the Loader has full control over them.
> I also came up with a simple solution how the Loader can call the
> superclass implementations of every onXXX method. For C++ people this
> might not sound too exciting but Java normally does not alllow you to
> call a random object's parent implementation of methods that it
> overrode. Only the class overriding something can do this.
> The source code for the Android PoC can be found here:
> I also uploaded the earlier pure Java version:
> Last but not least I created a section for the Android PoC:
> Documentation is a bit low at the moment but'll add that ASAP.
> Regards,
> Robert
> Am 12.07.2011 12:00, schrieb Robert Schuster:
>> Hi everyone,
>> is actually anyone interested in all these explanations? ;)
>> Anyway I finished the Proof-Of-Concept implementation and also its
>> description. If anyone has a question about the Java part rework it is
>> all on:
>> I'd suggest those who are concerned to actually look at the PoC and the
>> comments within.
>> I'm now starting with an actual Android implementation of the ideas.
>> I'll refine the information on the website as soon as I see that this is
>> necessary.
>> Happy hacking!
>> Robert
>> Am 07.07.2011 12:22, schrieb Robert Schuster:
>>> Hi all,
>>> finally I found the time to do a write up of the concept of the Java
>>> part rework that Bogdan, Christian and I talked about at QCS in Berlin.
>>> Attached is (hopefully) a drawing that shows the individual components.
>>> This mail is supposed to be a complete explanation of the whole topic.
>>> For a discussion on IRC later this day it would be nice if you've read
>>> it. :)
>>> Base technique: At QCS we found out that it is very impractical to have
>>> that many Java classes in sourcecode form in each application. Simply
>>> because every class becomes part of the public interface. This will
>>> cause a huge maintenance burden. I'd simply say it would not work. We
>>> need to move large parts of the code into places that are independent
>>> from the application. This however strongly required the need to add
>>> classes from a foreign APK or DEX file to the application's classpath.
>>> We were not sure whether Android would allow this but it indeed does. As
>>> a proof of concept we wrote a demo[0] application which can load any (!)
>>> APK or DEX file and create an instance of any class and call its
>>> toString() method. The POC worked in the way we wanted on a rooted but
>>> also on a normal locked device.
>>> With this technique at hand we can do the following:
>>> * Move all code that is not really necessary for app startup into
>>> separate APK files
>>> * Define an interface between App and Loader which can handle updates
>>> (that allows for incompatible changes in the App code over time)
>>> * Profit! Err, yeah ... ;)
>>> Let's explain all the little boxes from the drawing:
>>> App:
>>> ----
>>> This is the source code that is part of each Android-Qt application. The
>>> user *may* change little pieces of the code as long as it does not
>>> violate the interface to the Loader or Ministro. What the user can do is
>>> calling any methods of the public interfaces to the loader for example.
>>> We will mark the pieces of code that the user *must* not remove or
>>> modify otherwise.
>>> This whole thing will be as small as possible!
>>> Whenever there is the need to change the App code in an incompatible way
>>> we need to introduce a new Loader interface. E.g. we will have a
>>> LoaderVersion1 interface for now. When it changes the App code will ask
>>> for LoaderVersion2. The Loader's reponsibilities will be explained below.
>>> Loader:
>>> -------
>>> The Loader connects methods from the App with the Android Activity
>>> class. It will implement all available methods in order to gain maximum
>>> control over the App code without letting the App decide by itself. The
>>> Loader is published by us and can as such be updated over time allowing
>>> *us* to fix bugs, introduce new feature to *existing* applications
>>> without changing them.
>>> There might be applications with different versions of the starter code
>>> in it. Each of those version requires a specific interface in the
>>> Loader. The most up to date version of the Loader will understand (=
>>> implement) and offer all interfaces. That way old and new application
>>> start code is always compatible with the Loader.
>>> If a Loader cannot satisfy the requested interface of an application
>>> then this means that the current version of the Loader is too old and it
>>> will update itself.
>>> (The Loader will technically be part of Ministro, when Ministro is
>>> installed. If the user is a developer and chose 'use local libs' then
>>> the loader will also be copied to a well known directory and directly
>>> included into the Apps classpath. As such at runtime of an App the
>>> Loader APK will be part of the App's process space!)
>>> Ministro:
>>> ---------
>>> Ministro does what it does right now: It downloads the libs (if
>>> necessary), provides the locations of the libraries and tells the app
>>> that it can start. I'm actually thinking of putting the 'satisfy a
>>> certain Loader interface version' into Ministro, too. Because that seems
>>> like the best place for it).
>>> Unlike now the interface between App and Ministro will become upgrade
>>> compatible. While changes will happen less frequently it is very
>>> important that we allow and can deal with incompatible changes to the
>>> interface between Ministro and the App.
>>> Bridge:
>>> -------
>>> These are all the classes that interact in some way with the C++ code of
>>> the Android-Qt port. Unlike now they will be a private interface.
>>> Meaning that we can do *any* change we want in them. For each supported
>>> Qt version (4.9, 5.0 etc.) there will be an accompanying bridge. The
>>> bridge may even consist of multiple APKs if we want to save space (e.g.
>>> if QtMobility is not used, then the classes for it do not need to be
>>> available as well).
>>> Qt:
>>> ---
>>> These are the native Qt libraries. No change needed. Except that any
>>> code can *assume* the existence of certain bridge classes and can
>>> resolve class names at will.
>>> Caveats:
>>> -------
>>> From a development perspective this is quite a task. The Java code
>>> changes are not so difficult (for me at least) but I have no clue how we
>>> can modify the Android-Qt build to also compile Java classes, dexify and
>>> make an APK out of them. Because this is what we need. When you compile
>>> Qt for Android you'll need a Java compiler, the DEX tool and something
>>> that creates an APK for you. IOW this is where I need you help.
>>> The Ministro build also needs to be changed a bit. The Ministro APK
>>> could contain the Loader classes. That would not be a problem. However
>>> somehow QtCreator needs the Loader classes too when using 'use local
>>> libs' flag. I propose that the SDK installer also downloads the Loader
>>> classes (which might be the same as Ministro but as a library not an
>>> application) from a known location.
>>> I plan to use real Java interfaces in order to define the public
>>> interface. An alternative approach would be to rely on reflection only.
>>> However that will make the interface very opaque and the code will be
>>> difficult to read for anyone with only a small knowledge of Java. Having
>>> interfaces however means we will need to share bits of sourcecode
>>> between the projects (namely the interface file). I'm still
>>> contemplating how to do this properly.
>>> For tonight I am mostly interested in how to solve the caveats.
>>> Let me know what you think. If not we'll see each other at 7pm CET/GMT+1. :)
>>> Regards,
>>> Robert
>>> [0] -
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