[MassifVisualizer] merging kdchart-2.5.1 into master?

Arnold Dumas contact at arnolddumas.fr
Tue Jul 29 14:55:59 UTC 2014

Le 29/07/2014 12:04, Milian Wolff a écrit :
> Hey Arnold,
> since you are working on kf5 port of massif-visualizer again, should I 
> merge
> the kdchart-2.5.1 branch into master?
> There are still a few issues here and there, such as different axis 
> labels
> (1000000000 instead of 10^9), but we can fix that in master as well 
> then, I
> think.

I agree, we can merge, and then polish master.

> Then you can base kf5 off that? But do note that I have another feature 
> branch
> around which I want to merge into master soonishly, see the 
> mdi-refactor
> branch.
> Bye

I'll try to finish the WIP KF5 port, and then it might be good to merge 
master in frameworks, in order to port the latest features (legend 
positionning, mdi refactoring) to KF5. Once done, we might want to have 
a KF5-based master. But that's another story.


Arnold Dumas

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