AW: Help required to get started in marble project.

Torsten Rahn tackat at
Sat Nov 19 13:09:58 UTC 2016

Hi & Welcome to the Marble world,
A first step might be to join us on IRC as described here:
The next step would be to build the development branch of Marble as 
described here:
Once you have that running you could help us to improve Marble vector tile 
You could read Dennis' (aka Earthwings) recent blog entries in order to do 
this: <>
Once you are familiar with this topic and once you tried
our vector map in the development branch
you could ask for junior jobs on IRC. :-)
Best Regards,
Torsten (aka tackat)
Betreff: Help required to get started in marble project.
Datum: 2016-11-19T12:21:24+0100
Von: "Aayush Saxena" <er.aayushsaxena at>
An: "marble at" <marble at>
Hi...I am new to open source and would like to contribute in the marble 
project of kde.

I have basic work experience of working in Qt Creator with C++. Though I 
don't know much but would like to learn. I also have plans to work for the 
project in Google summer of code.

Any help to get me started would be appreciated.


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