[Marble] Building Marble Qt Plugin on OS X - Plugins default to .so files rather than .dylib

stefan at binaervarianz.de stefan at binaervarianz.de
Fri Sep 30 09:27:00 UTC 2011

Hi AC,

I'm also trying to compile and use the Qt designer widget of marble on
After having my trouble compiling Marble (1.2), I'm stuck at the same
stage as you.

Have you, by any chance, found a solution to the problem?

Best regards,

> Hi,
> I have compiled marble on Mac OS X using the 1.1.1 stable version.  My 
> installation also has a Qt SDK with Creator at 2.0.1 and Qt @ 4.7.0
> I used the cmake instructions of having a parallel build directory and I

> switched QtOnly=on and With_Designer_Plugin=on using the -D switches
> on Techbase.
> I carried out a make and make install (later as root).  The only errors
I got 
> were at config stage where it was clear that a gps related lib was not
> so build was automatically constrained to avoid that.  All other steps 
> appeared successful - i.e. no errors reported from cmake.
> When I look at what has been installed, I see a load of stuff in 
> /usr/local/Marble.app.  Then I get:
> /Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/designer/libMarbleWidgetPlugin.so
> /Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/designer/libLatLonEditPlugin.so
> /Developer/Applications/Qt/plugins/designer/libMarbleNavigatorPlugin.so
> followed by more stuff (.so and .png) in /usr/local/Marble.app
> If I look at Qt Creator/deisgner and try and locate marble widget
plugins I 
> cannot see them.  Checks with finder show that things I can see all have

> .dylib extentsions, for example libqwebview.dylib is visible as a Qt
plugin in 
> designer.  But MarbleWidgetPlugin is visible as .so via finder but does
> show up in designer.
> I can see libmarblewidget.dylib and alias' referring to dlyb version
> but nothing relating to the plugin I want to use in Qt.
> It looks as though the build script is producing .so libraries (ELF?)
> than the Mach-O dylibs (hope I've got that right).  Am I doing anything
> in the build? Is there a cmake switch I can use to alter my
> Any pointers much appreciated as I stuck on first base with Mac versions
of my 
> app.
> -- 
> AC

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