[Marble] simple example of displaying just the map, using MarbleMap?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 16:12:51 CEST 2010

Torsten Rahn said the following at 04/22/2010 01:15 AM :
> On Thursday 22 April 2010 02:25:09 D. R. Evans wrote:
>> From the documentation, I thought that a MarbleMap would produce a map
>> without any control mechanisms -- well, it does seem to do that, but
>> instead of just showing a map, it shows a compass rose and the little box
>> that one could use to control the viewport (except that of course it's
>> non-functional) and takes up a chunk of the display surface with a grey
>> background that is placed above the map. How do I display JUST the map??
>> This is in C++. (This is also my first foray into Qt in general and marble
>> in particular.)
>>   Doc
> Hi Doc,
> Have you read the (admittedly small) tutorial?


> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Marble/MarbleCPlusPlus
> The difference between MarbleWidget and MarbleMap is actually this:
> MarbleMap provides all the features of MarbleWidget except for the methods that 
> allow you to interact with the map (like mouse events, keyboard events, etc.).

Right, so isn't that telling me that since I *don't* want any interaction,
then I want a MarbleMap?? That's why I used a MarbleMap instead of a

>     mapWidget->setShowCompass( false );
>     mapWidget->setShowOverviewMap( false );
>     mapWidget->setShowScaleBar( false );

OK, that gets rid of those item (thanks very much), but I still end up with
the big grey area where they were. I think there's something I'm not
understanding about the way sizing works.

Here's what I have:
    map->setSize(1200, 600);
    map->setMapThemeId("earth/srtm/srtm.dgml");  // the atlas view

the resulting image has two problems I can't seem to resolve:

1. The big grey area above the map, which I want to remove
2. I see more than 360° of longitude

These both seem to be related to me not understanding sizing.

How do I automatically get the map to exactly fill the size I have set
(i.e., 180° of latitude fills the height and 360° of longitude fills the

I am impressed at how easy it was to get this far.


Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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