AW: What's the state of Marble on Windows?

Torsten Rahn tackat at
Tue Apr 13 14:03:14 BST 2021

> I have to ask something: What's the state of Marble on Windows?
well, Marble allows for two different compilation flavors:  Marble-Qt-Only 
and Marble-KDE.
So far we've always preferred to advertize the Qt-Only version and offerted 
that one for download.
This Qt-Only-version has been pretty stable in the past. I don't know about 
the Marble-KDE version.
> Is it considered fully stable?
Yes, it should be.
> Are there any missing features or critical bugs?
There are certainly a handful minor features that are not supported on 
Windows - however the wide range of regular features are fully supported.
> Is it missing a maintainer?
Up to my knowledge we have no long-term person that would feel responsible 
to create the Windows-Build.
A person that would
* regularly create builds,
* would test them extensively
* would advertize the  builds to app stores
* and feel responsible to verify every now and then that the package still 
would be highly appreciated
> I'm working on this task to bring more KDE apps to Microsoft Store
<> and I'd appreciate getting some 
> Currently I'm checking if apps are in a stable enough state to get 
published there.
Thanks for your work!
Best regards

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