Marble Maps 1.1 Release Testing

Dennis Nienhüser nienhueser at
Mon Feb 6 19:46:30 UTC 2017

Hi again,

tile creation has finished, we're serving 105 GB now. Since the stable 
releases load the new tiles fine (just don't make use of the new 
features) I merged the new tiles with the stable ones. Marble Maps 
version 1.1 is now available as public beta from [1] and via direct APK 
download at [2]. I plan to release it soon unless crash reports or 
similar serious issues are reported.



Am 04.02.2017 14:39, schrieb Dennis Nienhüser:
> Hi there,
> I'm currently preparing another release of Marble Maps for Android.
> The current version was released on December 11th, 2016. Changes since
> then include
> - public transport routes can be highlighted (use the toggle in the
> new side panel)
> - many more features shown in the map, among them winter sports (piste
> maps, skitours, nordic trails, ski jump, ...)
> - bugfixes and speed improvements
> - now using Qt 5.8 as a base
> While it works fine on my two devices, I'd appreciate more tests on
> other Android systems. You can get todays version in our alpha channel
> [1] after joining the alpha testers group [2]. Alternatively, there's
> a direct APK download at [3]. Some screenshots of public transport are
> in [4].
> The alpha version downloads vector tiles from a different location
> than the stable one. They include the new features, but do not cover
> the same area as the stable ones so far. At this point Germany is
> fully available (i.e. tile levels 11/13/15/17), the alps (for winter
> sports, also full detail) will follow in some days. Tile levels
> 0/1/3/5/7/9 are there worldwide, levels 11/13 will follow in the next
> days. Selected 300 cities in tile leves 15/17 will follow soon as
> well. At that point it should be possible to have the new tiles
> replace the current ones assuming compatibility testing is successful.
> In order to support public transport routes I generalized the OSM
> relation extraction from multipolygons to arbitrary relations. So far
> there is no filtering of relations in order to facilitate implementing
> other features that make use of relations. However this comes at the
> price of some 20% larger tile size in average, and a slower tile
> creation process. On the positive side this means we also know about
> other types of routes already, e.g. road routes like the international
> E-road network, permanently signed detour routes, walking and hiking
> routes, bicycle and mountainbike routes, inline skating routes, horse
> routes, ... You can highlight them case by case when tapping on a map
> feature such a route runs across. A better user interface for that
> should be ready for the next but one feature release.
> Regards,
> Dennis
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] 
> [4]

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