[Marble-devel] PyKDE Future: Seeking a New Maintainer

Dennis Nienhüser earthwings at gentoo.org
Sun Mar 29 09:37:58 UTC 2015

Hi Simon,

first of a big thank you for creating and maintaining the Python 
bindings for Marble over the years! I just read that you are now looking 
for a new maintainer for PyKDE5 [1]. While I don't see myself step up to 
that position I'd still be interested to learn about the technical 
details such that I can maintain the Python bindings for Marble in the 
future. I have become an active Python user for rapid prototyping in the 
last months so I do have more knowledge about it (and likewise a higher 
interest in Python bindings for Marble than I had before). Do you have 
some getting-started information?


[1] https://blogs.kde.org/2015/03/29/pykde-future-seeking-new-maintainer

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