[Marble-devel] Kml GroundOverlay

Konrad Enzensberger e.konrad at mpegcode.com
Fri May 31 13:33:08 UTC 2013


like posted before, the rotation settings in Kml tag:

does not have any effect, the image is not rotated.
Because of this is made some modifications to GeometryLayer.cpp :.
createGraphicsItemFromOverlay( const GeoDataOverlay *overlay )
    if ( overlay->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataGroundOverlayType ) {
    GeoDataLatLonBox box = groundOverlay->latLonBox();
    qreal rotation = box.rotation(GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
        QString qsImg = groundOverlay->absoluteIconFile();
        QImage img(qsImg);
            QMatrix rm;
            img = img.transformed(rm);
            imageItem->setImage( img );
    }//new end
    item = imageItem;

This works for me because all my images have same x/y resolution.
The image is now rotated like set in kml file.
But for other images (different x/y resolution) , the GeoDataLatLonBox coordinates also have to be rotated,
i think,

br, konrad
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