[Marble-devel] Review Request: Add support for TileMapServer storageLayout in DGML files

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Mon Sep 24 13:52:23 UTC 2012

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This review has been submitted with commit a9e8b4763b42e61f301b295fa4b26880d2ed6091 by Javier Becerra to branch master.

- Commit Hook

On Feb. 22, 2012, 10:20 a.m., Javier Becerra Elcinto wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/104042/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 22, 2012, 10:20 a.m.)
> Review request for Marble.
> Description
> -------
> Add support for TileMapServer storageLayout in DGML files (similar to OpenStreetMap mode, but y coordinates start at the bottom of the map rather than at the top).
> Add support for TileMapServer storageLayout in DGML files (similar to
> OpenStreetMap mode, but y coordinates start at the bottom of the map
> rather than at the top).
> Changes include a new TmsServerLayout class to transfom the y coordinate
> and modifications in  GeoSceneTexture::relativeTileFileName to take into
> account the new TmsServerLayout (tiles are stored locally with the same
> filename as it would have in the remote server, allowing the use of
> locally stored maps without changing the filenames).
> As a side note, running marble --tile-id will show the original marble
> coordinates (y starting at top), not the TMS ones, which can be
> confusing. Moreover, we can mix two textures with different
> modes (i.e. OpenStreetMap and TileMapService), and only one tile-id per
> tile will be shown.
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/lib/ServerLayout.h 04c244f 
>   src/lib/ServerLayout.cpp deb9d66 
>   src/lib/geodata/handlers/dgml/DgmlStorageLayoutTagHandler.cpp 7619175 
>   src/lib/geodata/scene/GeoSceneTexture.h 7a3fd00 
>   src/lib/geodata/scene/GeoSceneTexture.cpp 3201820 
> Diff: http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/104042/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> 1) Create a tileset using gdal2tiles.py (available in gdal-python)
>      gdal2tiles.py -p mercator -z 0 13 yourgeotiff.tiff
> 2) Copy the generated tiles directory tree (i.e. the folders named 0 to 13) to Marble's local directory as a new map earth theme (in linux you would move them to ~/.local/share/marble/maps/earth/mynewtheme). Remember that you must have a level 0 transparent tile, no m
> 3) Modify an existing dgml (from Marble's system path, /usr/local/share/marble/data/maps/earth/...) file or create a new one which includes the following texture layer within the first layer of the map (<layer backend="texture"...>) (modify parameters to suit your files, and don't forget to check that the maximum zoom level is enough to view you geotiff file at a proper scale-if it is not enough then go back to first step and change the 13 (maximum zoom level) by the level of your choice)
>     <texture name="yourname">
>      <sourcedir format="png">earth/mynewtheme</sourcedir>
>      <tileSize width="256" height="256"/>
>      <storageLayout mode="TileMapService" levelZeroRows="1" levelZeroColumns="1" maximumTileLevel="13"/>
>      <projection name="Mercator"/>
>      <blending name="AlphaBlending"/>
>     </texture>
> 4) Open Marble, select your modified theme and check that your geotiff file is overlaid at the right place.
> Screenshots
> -----------
> File erdas_spnad83.tif overlaid on OpenStreetMap using Marble (downloaded from http://dl.maptools.org/dl/geotiff/samples/other/)
>   http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/104042/s/439/
> Thanks,
> Javier Becerra Elcinto

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