[Marble-devel] Dgml

Torsten Rahn tackat at t-online.de
Mon Apr 30 13:14:30 UTC 2012

There is some initial documentation inside


On one hand there is a dgml2.txt which covers the motivation and some basics 
about the format. And there is a dgml2.dtd file.

Some elements are not documented yet - and a few (like the pick element which 
is supposed to just filter/pick the placemark objects only from a file) might 
not even be implemented yet.

The "connect" attribute is there to establish a signal-slot relationship 
between the data and the checkboxes in the Marble legend (to have the data 
shown/hidden whenever the checkbox is clicked).

The "format=KML" looks a bit odd in combination with shapefiles. I'd expect 
something like "format=SHP" there but maybe the parser ignores this 



On Montag, 30. April 2012 11:29:42 Konrad Enzensberger wrote:
> Hi,
> i am looking to a detailed Dgml description,
> is there one avaliable?
> for example i like to create a custom map
> which additional loads some vector files (ESRI shp)
> it works if i use something like:
> <geodata name="mymap">
> <sourcefile format="KML">mymap.shp</sourcefile>
> <pick>placemark</pick>
> </geodata>
> But this does not work:
> <layer name="Esri" backend="vector" role="polyline">
> <vector name="streets" feature="street" connect="streets">
> <sourcefile format="KML"> D:/priv/maps/mymap/mymap.shp </sourcefile>
> <pen color="#f86649"/>
> </vector>
> Are description of tags like: backend, role, feature, connect...
> avaliable?
> thanks, konrad

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