[Marble-devel] Using router.project-osrm.org http API in Marble

Dennis Nienhüser earthwings at gentoo.org
Thu Apr 12 13:06:19 UTC 2012


(CC to the marble developer mailing list)

thanks for your work on OSRM and making it available in an open way.

I'm working on an OSRM plugin for Marble [1], a Virtual Globe and World
Atlas. The plugin uses the OSRM http API to retrieve routes from
router.project-osrm.org. Calls to the API are triggered by Marble users
when planning a route and in real-time navigation mode when leaving the
originally planned route and a new one has to be calculated. OSRM is
mentioned as the source of the route and a license attribution [2] is
added in our data section. Please check that it is appropriate, I didn't
find license details on your website, so I assumed it is the same as

API queries executed by the plugin can be identified based on the
following user-agent string:
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Marble/0.13.20 (PRE 0.14 GIT); Browser; OSRMRunner)
This string is static except for the version number, here "0.13.20 (PRE
0.14 GIT)". Coordinate hinting is done and the polyline algorithm format
requested, i.e. the plugin follows the API usage policy [3].

The plugin is available in Marble's git master branch (see [4] for the
relevant commits) and I'd like to ship it with the next stable release
(in time with KDE 4.9, scheduled for August 1st, 2012). Please get back
to me (preferably keeping our mailing list on CC) or follow up in the
bug report [4] if you have any questions or comments.


[1] http://edu.kde.org/marble

Open Source Routing Machine
Some of the routes used in Marble via download are provided by the Open
Source Routing Machine <http://project-osrm.org> Project ("OSRM").
License: Open Source Routing Machine data can be used freely under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license
[3] https://github.com/DennisOSRM/Project-OSRM/wiki/API%20Usage%20Policy
[4] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=297774

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