[Marble-devel] Help with Placemarks on MarbleWidget

Shannon Mackey solareclectic at fltg.net
Wed Sep 14 02:51:11 UTC 2011

It was suggested, on the KDE Libraries & APIs Forums that I try this list for 

I believe I've got the correct function to put Placemarks on my MarbleWidget:

@void  addGeoDataString (const QString &data, const QString &key="data")@

to put the Point indicated in this kml string onto my MarbleWidget

@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
  <name>Houlton International Airport</name>
  <description>Weather Station</description>

but I'm getting nothing to appear.

Is my kml correct?

Do I need to call another function on MarbleWidget to display the newly added 
Points in the model?

I've left the second parameter empty, as it has a default, and frankly (from 
the "documentation":http://api.kde.org/4.6-api/kdeedu-
data-  the string containing the Placemarks.
key-  the string needed to identify the data@

I don't know what "data" is supposed to indicate. 
I've gone back in MarbleWidget source code, where the parameters flip-flopped 
places enough times to tangle me up.

Mostly, I think this is probably a simple thing, and that I'm overlooking 
something obvious.
Anyone have a clue for me?


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