[Marble-devel] ExtendedData in GeoDataDocument and GeoDataFolder

Javi Becerra javi.becerra at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 11:23:04 UTC 2011


First of all, I would like to thank the developers of Marble for sharing
their project, it is a really nice piece of software.

I am trying to integrate MarbleWidget in a commercial project, both for
data visualization (via MarbleWidget) and for handling/creation of kml
files (using all the GeoData* structures). 
I am using marble-unstable, as I need the
GeoDataTreeModel::addDocument(GeoDataDocument *) function to integrate
my (programmatically created) GeoDataDocument into the MarbleWidget (I
could not find any easy way to do it using the stable code for

When I build a GeoDataDocument programmatically, I have observed the
following behaviour when writting the file to disk using a GeoWriter:

-ExtendedData is not written to disk for objects of type GeoDataFolder
and GeoDataDocument (but both are Features, and can have ExtendedData as
described in kml 2.2 documentation  

It seems that function KmlFolderTagWriter::write in
KmlFolderTagWriter.cpp and function KmlDocumentTagWriter::write in
KmlDocumentTagWriter.cpp do not check for the existence of ExtendedData,
as is done in function KmlPlacemarkTagWriter::write (in
KmlPlacemarkTagWriter.cpp, line 50).

If you think that it is OK to include support for writing the
ExtendedData in Documents and Folders, I can submit a patch for review
modifying both files (including the writing of extendeddata and a check
in KmlDocumentTagWriter to see if there is any extendeddata before
omitting the <Document> tag).

On a different subject, if I did not mess up with remote repositories,
the online documentation at
describes the code of marble-unstable, but the name of some of the http
links suggest that it is the marble1.1 documentation:
<http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdeedu-apidocs/marble/html/classMarble_1_1GeoDataTreeModel.html>. Anyway I could not find any clear reference in the online documentation as to what version it refers, I found it a bit confusing when I started to explore the code for the first time two weeks ago.

Best regards,

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