[Marble-devel] Lingua franca for lonlat coordinates?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Sat Oct 29 20:38:40 UTC 2011


is there some kind of lingua franca in Geography sciences? I ask because I 
wonder if GeoDataCoordinates::fromString() should be able to parse coordinates 
in other languages than the local one?
(becauses ATM it cares for decimal point and direction terms only in localized 

So is there an international canonical form to write lonlat coordinates?

Use case:
somebody reads a coord in some literatur/on the net and wants to pass it to 
the Marble search field (or to the Plasma runner, still wants to get the final 
review, hint hint :) ), ideally by copy and paste*.

*bah, those runners should also be provided as system-wide services, so they 
could be used e.g. in context menu for some selected text, think Okular, 
webpage or whatever plain text.

In other news:
seems I have a fix for GeoDataCoordinates::fromString(...) ready. All my unit 
tests are now passing (and the biggest one creates 51984 test cases, takes 
some minutes to run, guess due to all the regexp :/ ).

Will post patch as mr tomorrow or on Monday.


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