[Marble-devel] Linker problem with Qt Widget version of marble

Amit Chaudhuri amit.k.chaudhuri at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 09:39:15 CEST 2011

Hi all,

working with the latest stable version of Marble (downloaded within last
week) I can get a widget into designer and compile a simple mainwindow app
with marble positioned on the widget.

However it will not run, giving

error while loading shared libraries: libmarblewidget.so.11: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

When setting out I used:


from the build directory and had few issues reported.  It clearly found
elements KDE 4.4.4 on my openSUSE 11.3 system but could not find gpsd
(although this is actually in /usr/sbin) or libgps (actually in libgps19 in
/usr/lib64) so it failed to build one module which I suspect I don't need
for my usage.

Using cmake install created an install manifest which records
libmarblewidget.so as being installed in /usr/local/lib64/libmarblewidget.so
something I confirm by navigation & ls.

I can run marble from the command line - and it reports 1.0.2 latest stable
and refers to KDE4.4.4

So I am a bit stumped on why the plugin doesn't play nice.

My .pro file contains the default lines Qt Creator supplied + the following
manual additions

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/marble
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib64 -lmarblewidget

Main question: any idea what I'm doing wrong to cause the link failure?

Secondary question: will the failure to build gpsd dependent items prevent
basic map usage (e.g. where gps is not a feature of my current thinking)?


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