[Marble-devel] Patch for including Geonames.org data

Bastian Holst bastianholst at gmx.de
Mon May 17 11:22:29 CEST 2010


First, cool patch, it fixes some problems (including the mirrored coordinates 
I had no time to look at the code, yet, but I ran a few manual tests. There 
are some problems with the newly imported Geonames cities:

* Hamburg (~ 10° 10' 07,1"E,  53° 26' 29,9"N), one of the largest cities in 
Germany, is not shown. Perhaps other important cities are missing as well.

* I think taking the asciiName is still a Problem with Wikipedia languages 
other than english. For example the german city Eckernförde (~ 9° 50' 22,6"E,  
54° 28' 13,6"N): 
  - The english version of wikipedia accepts the asciiName “Eckernforde”
  - The german version does not accept the asciiName “Eckernforde” as nobody 
in Germany would write it like that

Best regards,
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