[Marble-devel] PyQt and Marble Python bindings

Yann Goudard marble at alleeduweb.eu
Fri Jul 2 10:31:12 CEST 2010


Following your advices, I compiled kdeedu with Python bindings and I got 
a working MarbleWidget. Then I tested use cases I intend to implement in 
my application and it fits well. So I would be glad if you fix the 
QTONLY issues.


Yann Goudard

On 06/26/2010 11:00 AM, Simon Edwards wrote:
> Hi,
> On 06/24/2010 05:44 PM, Yann Goudard wrote:
>> Maybe it will help if you know I am compiling from Marble 0.8.0
>> downloaded from http://edu.kde.org/marble/download.php .
> To make a long story short, the bindings don't take QTONLY into 
> consideration, mainly because no one has asked for it before.
> Also, normally marble is compiled as part of KDE kdeedu module. The 
> 0.8 source on http://edu.kde.org/marble/download.php is marble pulled 
> out of kdeedu with changes to the build system. The python bindings 
> have been left out in this case.
> I had a play around with the 0.8 release last night, and I don't see 
> any immediate reason why the bindings couldn't support QTONLY after a 
> little bit of effort. The API doesn't seem to use many (any?) KDE APIs.
> I think your best bet is to compile kdeedu with the bindings turned on 
> to get some them built and working (with KDE dependencies), then try 
> them out and see if they fit your application. If so then let me know, 
> then I'll be happy to put some time into fixing up the QTONLY issues 
> and making it work without KDE.
> cheers,

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