[Marble-devel] which package for pykde4.marble?

Bastian Holst bastianholst at gmx.de
Wed Apr 21 22:25:48 CEST 2010


Nice to see somebody interested in the Marble python bindings. Unfortunately they seem to be unmaintained at the moment. According to the kdeedu CMakeLists.txt python bindings are still experimental. cmake outputs
“Experimental Python binding support for the Marble library. To activate it pass -DEXPERIMENTAL_PYTHON_BINDINGS=TRUE to cmake.”. By default python bindings are not built. To use them you'll probably have to compile kdeedu from source. Trying to compile it, I ended up with a compiler error. As I never worked on these bindings or any python bindings at all, I don't really know how to fix it.
I'll have a look at the python bindings some time, but at the moment this is at the bottom of my personal priority list.

Best regards
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