[Marble-devel] Hi

Zebrowski, Zak zaz at mitre.org
Fri Apr 2 18:12:04 CEST 2010



https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=232907 (Marble loads map from another directory than KHNS3 saves them)
(which is fixed)


What's KHNS3?

As an aside - hi from a lurker to this list.  I've been a user of Marble for a while now.  I haven't been doing development with Marble, but I'm happy in the way Marble is heading.   I'm planning (if I have spare time and I get it approved) to write / give a presentation on building base maps for Marble at a perl 1 day conference ( http://pghpw.org/ppw2008/ ) in October.

If I do end up creating a basemap which I could share to the larger marble community, what licensing agreements are requirements for incorporation?  One of the reasons why open arial map (http://www.openaerialmap.org/Main_Page ) is offline, is because they were unsure of the individual licenses incorporated into their data.


Zak Zebrowski

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