[Marble-devel] Committed FileManager patch series up to [PATCH 7/8]

Thibaut GRIDEL tgridel at free.fr
Sat Sep 12 01:21:14 CEST 2009

Hello Marbleheads,

after some review from some of you (thanks by the way),

I committed this patch series till patch 7 included.

To recap some changes:

- separate File handling from PlacemarkManager, into a FileManager
  class with nice data handling API and signals.

- moving the QList of AbstractFileViewItems into FileManager (so out of
  FileViewModel which just references it)

- FileViewModel holds its selection model, which views should use

- KmlFileViewItem stops dealing with Placemark indexes which belong to

- and removed a LOT of DEAD CODE...

In a more general way, I tried and build File handling code together in
a class that does just that, and makes other interested ones register
to the signalling in a consistent way. It is up to other classes to deal
with their own issues (like PlacemarkManager has to figure out which
Placemark is which File...)

There remains a lot of copying of data to my eyes in the model classes
which needs to be sorted out now.

There may be regressions because nobody's perfect, but that patch series
was made quite incremental, trying to keep all functionality across

Best Regards,


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