[Marble-devel] Merging of FloatItems and MarbleGraphicsItems

Bastian Holst bastianholst at gmx.de
Sun Jul 19 23:06:04 CEST 2009


I have used ScreenGraphicsItem (which implements all features for 
MarbleGraphicsItems that have no geo location) to implement AbstractFloatItem. 
It would be nice if somebody could review this. Especially my changes to the 
API of AbstractFloatItem, ScreenGraphicsItem and MarbleGraphicsItem.

Now all MarbleGraphicsItems can define a background, margin, padding etc. This 
would help for example to implement WeatherItems.
Until now the brush and color for the background as well as some other things 
were set globally (if you look at the old code these were static properties, 
but setter and getter functions were not static).

As it is possible that different items would want different background colors, I 
changed these to object properties.

Another option would be to have a default item style class (static) holding 
the standard values which will be used when nothing else has been set. If 
someone sets the background color of the compass to yellow, only the compass 
will appear in yellow and if now somebody sets the standard background color 
to red all other items get a red background (compass of course has still a 
yellow background).

What do you think?

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