[Marble-devel] Marble geodata NT branch

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Tue Jan 20 15:46:43 CET 2009

Hi everybody,

I just committed some of my code to the branch marble-geodata-nt (under 
branches/work/marble-geodata-nt). You can find a kde version of marble 
there which is used for a new geodata api.

To give some overview of the changes I want to put there:
- The GeoData* objects should use const References to match the Qt 
coding style.
- Most of the GeoData* objects will be implicitly shared, this will 
allow us to make copying of GeoData* objects available.
- one downpoint this will bring: There will not be direct 
QVector<GeoData*> objects available as there are some design problems 
with that. Nevertheless I will of course make it as easy & convenient as 

For now, the branch might be seriously broken and marble might not work, 
I expect it to stabilize in the coming days though. (No bugreports please!)
So if you want to see what the future will bring (especially those 
people that want to tightly integrate the marblewidget and want to base 
their development on it) you are free to build it (as the normal KDE 
way) and to read the code before you go to sleep in the evening ;-).


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