[Marble-commits] KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib
Bernhard Beschow
bbeschow at cs.tu-berlin.de
Sun Jan 9 18:39:05 CET 2011
SVN commit 1213220 by beschow:
use Q_ASSERT rather than error dialogs in MapWizard::accept()
The data entered by the user should have been validated in the respective pages. Thus, anything that goes wrong here
is a programming error.
M +17 -46 MapWizard.cpp
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/MapWizard.cpp #1213219:1213220
@@ -775,63 +775,41 @@
Q_ASSERT( d->format == d->format.toLower() );
Q_ASSERT( !d->mapTheme.isEmpty() );
- QSharedPointer<GeoSceneDocument> document( createDocument() );
+ if ( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::StaticImageMap )
+ {
d->sourceImage = d->uiWidget.lineEditSource->text();
- if( d->uiWidget.radioButtonWms->isChecked() )
+ Q_ASSERT( !d->sourceImage.isEmpty() );
+ Q_ASSERT( QFile( d->sourceImage ).exists() );
+ }
+ else if ( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::WmsMap )
+ Q_ASSERT( !d->uiWidget.comboBoxWmsMap->currentText().isEmpty() );
QUrl wmsUrl( d->uiWidget.lineEditWmsUrl->text() );
d->protocol = wmsUrl.toString().left( wmsUrl.toString().indexOf( ':' ) );
d->host = QString( wmsUrl.encodedHost() );
d->path = QString( wmsUrl.encodedPath() );
d->query = QString( "layers=%1&%2" ).arg( d->uiWidget.comboBoxWmsMap->itemData( d->uiWidget.comboBoxWmsMap->currentIndex() ).toString() )
.arg( QString( wmsUrl.encodedQuery() ) );
- }
- else if( d->uiWidget.radioButtonStaticUrl->isChecked() )
+ Q_ASSERT( !d->levelZero.isNull() );
+ Q_ASSERT( !QImage::fromData( d->levelZero ).isNull() );
+ }
+ else if ( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::StaticImageMap )
QUrl staticImageUrl( d->uiWidget.comboBoxStaticUrlServer->currentText() );
d->protocol = staticImageUrl.toString().left( staticImageUrl.toString().indexOf( ':' ) );
d->host = QString( staticImageUrl.encodedHost() );
d->path = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding( staticImageUrl.encodedPath() );
- }
- if( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::StaticImageMap && d->uiWidget.lineEditSource->text().isEmpty() )
- {
- QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Problem with map information" ), tr( "Please specify a source image." ) );
- return;
+ Q_ASSERT( !d->levelZero.isNull() );
+ Q_ASSERT( !QImage::fromData( d->levelZero ).isNull() );
- if( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::WmsMap && d->uiWidget.comboBoxWmsMap->currentText().isEmpty() )
- {
- QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Problem with map information" ), tr( "Please choose a map." ) );
- return;
- }
+ QSharedPointer<GeoSceneDocument> document( createDocument() );
+ Q_ASSERT( !document->head()->description().isEmpty() );
+ Q_ASSERT( !document->head()->name().isEmpty() );
- if ( d->mapProviderType != MapWizardPrivate::StaticImageMap )
- {
- if( d->levelZero.isNull() )
- {
- QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Cannot create map" ), tr( "The base tile is missing." ) );
- return;
- }
- if( QImage::fromData( d->levelZero ).isNull() )
- {
- QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Cannot create map" ), tr( "The base tile is invalid." ) );
- return;
- }
- }
- if( !document->head()->name().isEmpty() &&
- !document->head()->description().isEmpty() )
- {
- if( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::StaticImageMap && !QFile( d->sourceImage ).exists() )
- {
- QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "File not found" ), tr( "Source image is not found." ) );
- return;
- }
if( createFiles( document.data() ) )
if( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::WmsMap )
@@ -859,13 +837,6 @@
- else
- {
- QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Empty fields" ), tr( "Sorry, some required information is missing. Please fill in all fields." ) );
- return;
#include "MapWizard.moc"
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