[Marble-commits] KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib

Bernhard Beschow bbeschow at cs.tu-berlin.de
Tue Jan 4 00:32:28 CET 2011

SVN commit 1211396 by beschow:

use next button to download base tile also in the static URL case

* get rid of "Test" button
* validate URL before proceeding to the next page

 M  +3 -14     MapWizard.cpp  
 M  +0 -85     MapWizard.ui  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/MapWizard.cpp #1211395:1211396
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     if ( id == 1 ) {
         m_serverCapabilitiesValid = false;
-    } else if ( id == 2 ) {
+    } else if ( id == 2 || id == 4 ) {
     } else if ( id == 5 ) {
         if ( mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::StaticImageMap ) {
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@
     connect( d->uiWidget.pushButtonPreview, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( queryPreviewImage() ) );
     connect( d->uiWidget.pushButtonLegend, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( queryLegendImage() ) );
     connect( d->uiWidget.pushButtonStaticUrlLegend, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( queryStaticUrlLegendImage() ) );
-    connect( d->uiWidget.pushButtonStaticUrlTest, SIGNAL( clicked( bool ) ), this, SLOT( downloadLevelZero() ) );
     connect( d->uiWidget.comboBoxWmsServer, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( QString ) ), d->uiWidget.lineEditWmsUrl, SLOT( setText( QString ) ) );
     connect( d->uiWidget.comboBoxWmsMap, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( autoFillDetails() ) );
@@ -529,8 +528,6 @@
     d->levelZero = reply->readAll();
     QImage testImage = QImage::fromData( d->levelZero );
-    if ( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::WmsMap )
-    {
         if ( d->levelZero.isNull() ) {
             QMessageBox::information( this,
                                       tr( "Base Tile" ),
@@ -540,21 +537,13 @@
             QMessageBox::information( this,
                                       tr( "Base Tile" ),
                                       tr( "The base tile could not be downloaded successfully. The server replied:\n\n%1" ).arg( QString( d->levelZero ) ) );
+        d->levelZero.clear();
         else {
-    if( d->mapProviderType == MapWizardPrivate::StaticUrlMap )
-    {
-        if ( !testImage.isNull() ) {
-            QImage levelZero = testImage.scaled( d->uiWidget.labelStaticUrlTest->size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
-            d->uiWidget.labelStaticUrlTest->setPixmap( QPixmap::fromImage( levelZero ) );
-        }
-    }
 void MapWizard::createLegend()
     QDir map( QString( "%1/maps/earth/%2" ).arg( MarbleDirs::localPath() ).arg( d->mapTheme ) );
@@ -681,7 +670,7 @@
         return false;
-    if ( currentId() == 2 && d->levelZero.isNull() ) {
+    if ( ( currentId() == 2 || currentId() == 4 ) && d->levelZero.isNull() ) {
         button( MapWizard::NextButton )->setEnabled( false );
         return false;
--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/MapWizard.ui #1211395:1211396
@@ -434,91 +434,6 @@
-     <widget class="QLabel" name="label_8">
-      <property name="text">
-       <string>Preview:</string>
-      </property>
-     </widget>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_4">
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QLabel" name="labelStaticUrlTest">
-        <property name="sizePolicy">
-         <sizepolicy hsizetype="Fixed" vsizetype="Fixed">
-          <horstretch>0</horstretch>
-          <verstretch>0</verstretch>
-         </sizepolicy>
-        </property>
-        <property name="minimumSize">
-         <size>
-          <width>92</width>
-          <height>92</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-        <property name="text">
-         <string/>
-        </property>
-        <property name="alignment">
-         <set>Qt::AlignCenter</set>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer_2">
-        <property name="orientation">
-         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-        </property>
-        <property name="sizeType">
-         <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
-        </property>
-        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-         <size>
-          <width>5</width>
-          <height>20</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-       </spacer>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <widget class="QPushButton" name="pushButtonStaticUrlTest">
-        <property name="text">
-         <string>Test the Server</string>
-        </property>
-       </widget>
-      </item>
-      <item>
-       <spacer name="horizontalSpacer">
-        <property name="orientation">
-         <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
-        </property>
-        <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-         <size>
-          <width>40</width>
-          <height>20</height>
-         </size>
-        </property>
-       </spacer>
-      </item>
-     </layout>
-    </item>
-    <item>
-     <spacer name="verticalSpacer_4">
-      <property name="orientation">
-       <enum>Qt::Vertical</enum>
-      </property>
-      <property name="sizeType">
-       <enum>QSizePolicy::Fixed</enum>
-      </property>
-      <property name="sizeHint" stdset="0">
-       <size>
-        <width>20</width>
-        <height>5</height>
-       </size>
-      </property>
-     </spacer>
-    </item>
-    <item>
      <widget class="QLabel" name="label_5">
       <property name="text">
        <string>Optionally you can  provide an image file which displays a map key for your map:</string>

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