[Marble-commits] KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/plugins/positionprovider/maemo

Dennis Nienhüser earthwings at gentoo.org
Tue Nov 16 23:39:33 CET 2010

SVN commit 1197890 by nienhueser:

Switch to "user select" mode, which does more what i want: Use network information if available, activate gps if network and gps both down, but don't bother the user to enable the network if it's down currently. The documentation is a bit unclear on it. The difference to the previous setting is that now information from the network is used if it is enabled, which often shortens the time to first fix considerably.
CCBUG: 254806

 M  +1 -1      MaemoPositionProviderPlugin.cpp  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/plugins/positionprovider/maemo/MaemoPositionProviderPlugin.cpp #1197889:1197890
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
     d->m_control = location_gpsd_control_get_default();
     d->m_device = reinterpret_cast<LocationGPSDevice*>( g_object_new( LOCATION_TYPE_GPS_DEVICE, NULL ) );
     g_object_set( G_OBJECT( d->m_control ),
-                 "preferred-method", LOCATION_METHOD_GNSS,
+                 "preferred-method", LOCATION_METHOD_USER_SELECTED,
                  "preferred-interval", LOCATION_INTERVAL_1S,
     location_gpsd_control_start( d->m_control );

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