[Marble-commits] KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/plugins/render/routing

Dennis Nienhüser earthwings at gentoo.org
Tue Nov 16 21:03:20 CET 2010

SVN commit 1197856 by nienhueser:

Since the calculation of the remaining time is currently solely based on the current speed, it is very imprecise. Display the remaining distance in the UI instead.

 M  +24 -11    RoutingPlugin.cpp  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/src/plugins/render/routing/RoutingPlugin.cpp #1197855:1197856
@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@
     QString richText( const QString &source, int fontSize ) const;
+    QString fuzzyDistance( qreal distanceMeter ) const;
     RoutingPlugin* m_parent;
@@ -101,6 +103,25 @@
     return QString( "<font size=\"%1\" color=\"black\">%2</font>" ).arg( fontSize ).arg( source );
+QString RoutingPluginPrivate::fuzzyDistance( qreal length ) const
+    QString distanceUnit = "m";
+    int precision = 0;
+    if ( length >= 1000 ) {
+        length /= 1000;
+        distanceUnit = "km";
+        precision = 1;
+    } else if ( length >= 200 ) {
+        length = 50 * qRound( length / 50 );
+    } else if ( length >= 100 ) {
+        length = 25 * qRound( length / 25 );
+    } else {
+        length = 10 * qRound( length / 10 );
+    }
+    return QString( "%1 %2" ).arg( length, 0, 'f', precision ).arg( distanceUnit );
 void RoutingPluginPrivate::updateZoomButtons( int zoomValue )
     int const minZoom = m_marbleWidget ? m_marbleWidget->minimumZoom() : 900;
@@ -206,10 +227,10 @@
 void RoutingPluginPrivate::updateDestinationInformation( qint32 remainingTime, qreal remainingDistance )
+    Q_UNUSED( remainingTime );
     if ( m_routingModel->rowCount() != 0 ) {
         qreal distanceLeft = m_routingModel->nextInstructionDistance();
-        qint32 minutesLeft =  qint32( remainingTime * SEC2MIN ) % 60;
-        qint32 hoursLeft =  qint32( remainingTime * SEC2HOUR );
         m_nearNextInstruction = distanceLeft < thresholdDistance;
         int fontSize = 1;
@@ -217,15 +238,7 @@
             fontSize = m_nearNextInstruction ? 1 : -1;
-        if( hoursLeft ) {
-            QString text = richText( "%1:%2", -1 ).arg( hoursLeft ).arg( minutesLeft );
-            m_widget.destinationDistanceLabel->setText( text );
-        } else if( minutesLeft ) {
-            QString text = richText( "%1 min", -1 ).arg( minutesLeft );
-            m_widget.destinationDistanceLabel->setText( text );
-        } else {
-            m_widget.destinationDistanceLabel->setText( richText( "Soon", -1 ) );
-        }
+        m_widget.destinationDistanceLabel->setText( richText( fuzzyDistance( remainingDistance ), -1 ) );
         m_widget.instructionIconLabel->setEnabled( m_nearNextInstruction );
         m_widget.progressBar->setMaximum( thresholdDistance );

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