[Marble-commits] KDE/kdeedu/marble

Torsten Rahn tackat at kde.org
Mon May 24 16:46:50 CEST 2010

SVN commit 1130134 by rahn:

Remove old stuff from the INSTALL file 

 M  +1 -13     INSTALL  

--- trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble/INSTALL #1130133:1130134
@@ -9,12 +9,9 @@
 Prerequisites for building Marble are:
- - Qt 4.2 or newer
+ - Qt 4.5 or newer
  - cmake version 2.4 or newer
  - (optional): kdelibs from the KDE subversion repositories.
-    We have found that revision 701967 (Marble v.0.4.0)
-    works fine. Note that kdelibs is under heavy development, 
-    and some revisions might not work.
  - gpsd-2.37 or newer. Older versions of gpsd had C++ bindings
     removed, how far back I don't know but 2.36 was one of them.
     Great thanks to the gpsd developers for adding them back.
@@ -148,16 +145,7 @@
 4. Known Issues:
-- Due to a bug in the cmake files you might have to move the installed
-data under certain circumstances:
-  mkdir -p /usr/local/share/apps/marble
-  cp -a /marble/data /usr/local/share/apps/marble
-  rm -r /marble
 - If you don't specify any install path using cmake then Marble will probably install under /usr/local.
 If your distribution doesn't include /usr/local/lib in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH you might need to add that directory via:
   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib
-- The integrated Wikipedia browser doesn't load images

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