[Marble-commits] KDE/kdeedu/marble

Bastian Holst bastianholst at gmx.de
Wed Aug 11 18:05:14 CEST 2010

SVN commit 1162190 by bholst:

Patch by Harshit Jain:
1) The older 'Sun Control' dialog box is broken into new 'Sun Control'
dialog box and 'Time Control' dialog box.
2) The 'Configure Marble Desktop Globe' has 'Date and Time' tab which
has configuration features for time.
3) The current time is shown in status bar.
4) The icon of the Sun is shown on the Earth for zenith feature in 'Sun
Control' dialog box.
5) Toolbar action button are added for shadow, night map and zenith
features (although the shadow toolbar buttons is disabled in
this patch because of lack of an appropriate icon).
6) The name of ExtDateTime class is changed to MarbleClock. The license
of David Roberts (author of ExtDateTime class) has also been updated for
this class with this permissions.

 M  +1 -0      data/CMakeLists.txt  
 AM            data/svg/sunshine.png  
 M  +65 -4     src/QtMainWindow.cpp  
 M  +8 -1      src/QtMainWindow.h  
 M  +1 -1      src/bindings/python/sip/MarbleModel.sip  
 M  +2 -2      src/bindings/python/sip/SunLocator.sip  
 M  +4 -1      src/lib/CMakeLists.txt  
 M  +0 -112    src/lib/ExtDateTime.cpp  
 M  +0 -110    src/lib/ExtDateTime.h  
 U             src/lib/LayerManager.cpp  
 A             src/lib/MarbleClock.cpp   [License: LGPL]
 A             src/lib/MarbleClock.h   [License: LGPL]
 M  +2 -2      src/lib/MarbleDataFacade.cpp  
 M  +41 -11    src/lib/MarbleModel.cpp  
 M  +14 -2     src/lib/MarbleModel.h  
 A             src/lib/MarbleTimeSettingsWidget.ui  
 M  +115 -0    src/lib/QtMarbleConfigDialog.cpp  
 M  +34 -0     src/lib/QtMarbleConfigDialog.h  
 M  +53 -110   src/lib/SunControlWidget.cpp  
 M  +9 -17     src/lib/SunControlWidget.h  
 M  +58 -153   src/lib/SunControlWidget.ui  
 M  +11 -11    src/lib/SunLocator.cpp  
 M  +3 -3      src/lib/SunLocator.h  
 A             src/lib/TimeControlWidget.cpp   [License: LGPL]
 A             src/lib/TimeControlWidget.h   [License: LGPL]
 A             src/lib/TimeControlWidget.ui  
 M  +2 -2      src/lib/blendings/SunLightBlending.cpp  
 M  +4 -4      src/lib/routing/AdjustNavigation.cpp  
 M  +5 -2      src/lib/routing/RoutingManager.cpp  
 M  +32 -0     src/marble.kcfg  
 M  +164 -2    src/marble_part.cpp  
 M  +29 -0     src/marble_part.h  
 M  +7 -1      src/marble_part.rc  
 M  +7 -1      src/marbleui.rc  
 M  +22 -4     src/plugins/render/stars/StarsPlugin.cpp  
 M  +3 -0      src/plugins/render/stars/StarsPlugin.h  


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