[Marble-commits] branches/KDE/4.3/kdeedu/marble/src/lib

Torsten Rahn tackat at kde.org
Fri Jul 10 11:48:28 CEST 2009

SVN commit 994144 by rahn:

Patch by Burkhard Lück <lueck at hube-lueck.de>:

- Make About dialog translatable.

 M  +108 -22   MarbleAboutDialog.cpp  

--- branches/KDE/4.3/kdeedu/marble/src/lib/MarbleAboutDialog.cpp #994143:994144
@@ -85,17 +85,61 @@
         d->authorsLoaded = true;
         browser = d->uiWidget.m_pMarbleAuthorsBrowser;
-        QString filename = MarbleDirs::path( "credits_authors.html" );
-        if( !filename.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            QFile  f( filename );
-            if( f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) 
-            {
-                QTextStream ts( &f );
-                browser->setHtml( ts.readAll() );
-            }
-            f.close();
-        }
+        browser->setHtml( tr("<b>Active Development Team of Marble 0.8 and 0.7</b>")+
+        tr("<p>Torsten Rahn <a href=\"mailto:rahn at kde.org\">rahn at kde.org</a><br>"
+           "<i>Core Developer and Original Author</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Patrick Spendrin <a href=\"pspendrin at gmail.com\">pspendrin at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Core Developer: KML and Windows support</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Jens-Michael Hoffmann <a href=\"mailto:jensmh at gmx.de\">jensmh at gmx.de</a><br>"
+           "<i>Core Developer: OpenStreetMap support, Download Management</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Henry de Valence <a href=\"mailto:hdevalence at gmail.com\">hdevalence at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Core Developer: Marble Runners, World-Clock Plasmoid</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Bastian Holst, <a href=\"mailto:bastianholst at gmx.de\">bastianholst at gmx.de</a><br>"
+           "<i>Online Services support</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Andrew Manson <a href=\"mailto:g.real.ate at gmail.com\">g.real.ate at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Proxy support</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Pino Toscano <a href=\"mailto:pino at kde.org\">pino at kde.org</a><br>"
+           "<i>Network plugins</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Harshit Jain <a href=\"mailto:sonu.itbhu at googlemail.com\">sonu.itbhu at googlemail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Planet Filter, bugfixes</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>M&eacute;d&eacute;ric Boquien <a href=\"mailto:mboquien at free.fr\">mboquien at free.fr</a><br>"
+           "<i>Astronomical Observatories</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p> Magnus Valle<br><i>Historical Maps</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Eckhart W&ouml;rner <a href=\"mailto:kde at ewsoftware.de\">kde at ewsoftware.de</a><br>"
+           "<i>Bugfixes</i></p>")+
+        tr("<b>Join us</b>")+
+        tr("<p>You can reach the developers of the Marble Project at <a href=\"mailto:marble-devel at kde.org\">marble-devel at kde.org</a></p>")+
+        tr("<b>Google Summer of Code</b>")+
+        tr("<p> The Marble Team would like to thank its members who participated "
+           "in the Google Summer of Code for their successful work on Marble:</p>")+
+        tr("<p><b>2008</b></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Patrick Spendrin <a href=\"pspendrin at gmail.com\">pspendrin at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Project: Vector Tiles for Marble</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Shashank Singh <a href=\"mailto:shashank.personal at gmail.com\">shashank.personal at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Project: Panoramio / Wikipedia -photo support for Marble</i></p>")+
+        tr("<b>2007</b>")+
+        tr("<p>Carlos Licea <a href=\"mailto:carlos.licea at kdemail.net\">carlos.licea at kdemail.net</a><br>"
+           "<i>Project: Equirectangular Projection (\"Flat Map\")</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Andrew Manson <a href=\"mailto:g.real.ate at gmail.com\">g.real.ate at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Project: GPS Support for Marble</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>Murad Tagirov <a href=\"mailto:tmurad at gmail.com\">tmurad at gmail.com</a><br>"
+           "<i>Project: KML Support for Marble</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p>... and of course we'd like to thank the people at Google Inc. for making these projects possible.</p>")+
+        tr("<b>Developers</b>")+
+        tr("<p>Inge Wallin <a href=\"mailto:inge at lysator.liu.se\">inge at lysator.liu.se</a><br>"
+           "<i>Core Developer and Co-Maintainer</i></p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Development &amp; Patches:</i> Simon Schmeisser, Claudiu Covaci, David Roberts, Nikolas Zimmermann, Jan Becker, "
+           "Stefan Asserh&auml;ll, Laurent Montel, Prashanth Udupa, Anne-Marie Mahfouf, Josef Spillner, Frerich Raabe, "
+           "Frederik Gladhorn, Fredrik H&ouml;glund, Albert Astals Cid, Thomas Zander, Joseph Wenninger, Kris Thomsen, "
+           "Daniel Molkentin  </p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Platforms &amp; Distributions:</i>"
+           "Tim Sutton, Christian Ehrlicher, Ralf Habacker, Steffen Joeris, Marcus Czeslinski, Marcus D. Hanwell, Chitlesh Goorah.</p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Artwork:</i> Nuno Pinheiro, Torsten Rahn</p>")+
+        tr("<b>Credits</b>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Various Suggestions &amp; Testing:</i> Stefan Jordan, Robert Scott, Lubos Petrovic, Benoit Sigoure, "
+           "Martin Konold, Matthias Welwarsky, Rainer Endres, Luis Silva, Ralf Gesellensetter, Tim Alder</p>")+
+        tr("<p> We'd especially like to thank John Layt who provided an important source of inspiration "
+           "by creating Marble's predecessor \"Kartographer\".</p>"));
         QTextFrameFormat  format = browser->document()->rootFrame()->frameFormat();
         browser->document()->rootFrame()->setFrameFormat( format );
@@ -105,17 +149,59 @@
         d->dataLoaded = true;
         browser = d->uiWidget.m_pMarbleDataBrowser;
-        QString filename = MarbleDirs::path( "credits_data.html" );
-        if( !filename.isEmpty() )
-        {
-            QFile  f( filename );
-            if( f.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) 
-            {
-                QTextStream ts( &f );
-                browser->setHtml( ts.readAll() );
-            }
-            f.close();
-        }
+        browser->setHtml( tr("<b>Maps</b>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Blue Marble Next Generation (500 m / pixel)</i><br>" 
+           "NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Earth Observatory "
+           "<a href=\"http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/BlueMarble/\">"
+           "http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/BlueMarble/</a></p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Earth's City Lights</i><br>"
+           "Data courtesy Marc Imhoff of NASA GSFC and Christopher Elvidge of NOAA NGDC. "
+           "Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.</p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM30, 1 km / pixel )</i><br>" 
+           "NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory <a href=\"http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/\">"
+           "http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/srtm/</a></p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Micro World Data Bank in Polygons (\"MWDB-POLY / MWDBII\")</i><br>"
+           "CIA ; Global Associates, Ltd.; Fred Pospeschil and Antonio Rivera</p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Temperature and Precipitation Maps (July and December)</i><br>"
+           "A combination of two datasets:"
+           "<ul>"
+           "<li>Legates, D.R. and Willmott, C.J. 1989. Average Monthly Surface Air Temperature and "
+           "Precipitation. Digital Raster Data on a .5 degree Geographic (lat/long) 361x721 grid "
+           "(centroid-registered on .5 degree meridians). Boulder CO: National Center for Atmospheric Research. "
+           "<a href=\"http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ecosys/cdroms/ged_iia/datasets/a04/lw.htm\">"
+           "http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/ecosys/cdroms/ged_iia/datasets/a04/lw.htm</a></li>"
+           "<li>CRU CL 2.0: New, M., Lister, D., Hulme, M. and Makin, I., 2002: A high-resolution "
+           "data set of surface climate over global land areas. Climate Research 21."
+           "<a href=\"http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg\">"
+           "http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg</a></li></ul></p>")+
+        tr("<b>Street Map</b>")+
+        tr("<p><i>OpenStreetMap</i><br>"
+           "The street maps used in Marble via download are provided by the <a href=\""
+           "http://www.openstreetmap.org\">OpenStreetMap</a> Project (\"OSM\"). "
+           "OSM is an open community which creates free editable maps."
+           "<i>License</i>: OpenStreetMap data can be used freely under the terms of the "
+           "<a href=\"http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/OpenStreetMap_License\">"
+           "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0license</a>.</p>")+
+        tr("<b>Cities and Locations</b>")+
+        tr("<p><i>World Gazetteer</i><br>Stefan Helders "
+           "<a href=\"http://www.world-gazetteer.com\">http://www.world-gazetteer.com</a></p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Geonames.org</i><br>"
+           "<a href=\"http://www.geonames.org/\">http://www.geonames.org/</a>"
+           "<i>License</i>: Geonames.org data can be used freely under the terms of the "
+           "<a href=\"http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/\">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license</a>.</p>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Czech Statistical Office</i><br>Public database "
+           "<a href=\"http://www.czso.cz/eng/redakce.nsf/i/home\">http://www.czso.cz</a></p>")+
+        tr("<b>Flags</b>")+
+        tr("<p><i>Flags of the World</i><br>The flags were taken from Wikipedia "
+           "(<a href=\"http://www.wikipedia.org\">http://www.wikipedia.org</a>) "
+           "which in turn took a subset from <a href=\"http://www.openclipart.org\">"
+           "http://www.openclipart.org</a> and reworked them. "
+           "All flags are under the public domain (see comments inside the svg files).</p>")+
+        tr("<b>Stars</b>")+
+        tr("<p><i>The Bright Star Catalogue</i><br>5th Revised Ed. (Preliminary Version) "
+           "Hoffleit D., Warren Jr W.H., Astronomical Data Center, NSSDC/ADC (1991)"
+           "<a href=\"http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov/adc-cgi/cat.pl?/catalogs/5/5050\"> "
+           "http://adc.gsfc.nasa.gov</a></p>") );
         QTextFrameFormat  format = browser->document()->rootFrame()->frameFormat();
         browser->document()->rootFrame()->setFrameFormat( format );

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