[marble] [Bug 416925] KML/KMZ files marble can't parse cause error popups if KML/KMZ previews are enabled

Stefan Brüns bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Tue Nov 3 11:08:24 GMT 2020


Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit|                            |https://invent.kde.org/educ
                   |                            |ation/marble/commit/5e2c369
                   |                            |a754a7457f2a746edd057ccc475
                   |                            |c962af
         Resolution|---                         |FIXED
             Status|REPORTED                    |RESOLVED

--- Comment #2 from Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens at rwth-aachen.de> ---
Git commit 5e2c369a754a7457f2a746edd057ccc475c962af by Stefan Brüns.
Committed on 02/11/2020 at 17:19.
Pushed by rahn into branch 'master'.

Dont open a MessageBox when a file fails to load from the library

As the filemanager is also used from non-interactive contexts, a message
box is a no-go.

Interactive applications can connect to the fileError signal. This is
done for both marble-qt and marble-kde.
Related: bug 420089

M  +8    -0    src/apps/marble-kde/marble_part.cpp
M  +8    -0    src/apps/marble-qt/QtMainWindow.cpp
M  +0    -6    src/lib/marble/FileManager.cpp


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