Strange choice of fonts when using Cygwin/X server

Jim Garrison jhg at
Sat Feb 15 20:32:53 GMT 2025

When running a remote kate-editor on Debian 12 displaying on a local 
Cygwin/X server the UI uses a gothic/fraktur-looking font.  When trying 
to configure the Editor Font, "Serif" "Sans Serif" and "Monospace" 
choices all display as the same gothic font.

This setup (remote Debian to local Cygwin/X server) works fine for other 
X programs, so I'm guessing there's a problem with the kate-editor snap 
not including the required fonts?  Kate version is 24.12.2.

What do I need to do to get the correct fonts, especially a monospace 
font for code?


Jim Garrison
jhg at

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