PHP code validation

Marc Serra mserra at
Wed Feb 14 07:22:13 GMT 2024

Thank's for your words Milian,

We got some large projects that use git. On another hand, we got couple of
projects  that we need to do a little and quick changes. Normally I
use nano via SSH on the server machine or VS Code with the remote ssh
plugin on my workstation.

I want something more advanced than nano and something more lightweight anb
not proprietary as VS Code.

I just taked a look at kdevelop. Working with SFTP works great, code
linting works well but code auto indentation not at all: in a php a file
with PHP and HTML code, I can indent PHP but no HTML, an example:

if ( 2 == 2 )
    echo "two";

When I want ...

if ( 2 == 2 )
    echo "two";

But this is another topic ;-)

Thank's for all your help, but now I'm keep using nano and VS Code.

Missatge de Milian Wolff <mail at> del dia dt., 13 de febr. 2024 a
les 20:05:

> On Dienstag, 13. Februar 2024 11:31:20 CET Marc Serra wrote:
> > Thank's Kåre,
> >
> > I tested your idea and it works!
> >
> > I created a file with this three lines for each project:
> >
> > #!/bin/bash
> > sshfs user at server.tld:/path/ ~/dev/path/
> > kate ~/dev/path/
> >
> > Is this the best way to speed up the process of mount filesystem and open
> > kate?
> >
> > When I logout or shutdown my laptop, all mounts are unmounted
> automatically.
> Since you are asking for "the best way": The recommended way is definitely
> to
> _not_ work directly on a remote machine, potentially even directly on the
> live
> website. Develop (and test) locally, ideally using a VCS and then deploy
> remotely eventually.
> Another alternative, though I don't know about the current state of PHP
> 8.1
> language support: Use KDevelop and the kdev-php plugin. That will work
> even
> for SFTP projects (it used to in the past at least). It's still a really
> bad
> idea though.
> --
> Milian Wolff
> mail at



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