PHP code validation

Waqar Ahmed waqar.17a at
Mon Feb 12 11:11:15 GMT 2024

If you use a php language server that supports linting php code, then yes.
We have a language server plugin that can be used for intellisense and
other helpful features. See:

On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 3:59 PM Marc Serra <mserra at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Kate supports code validation for PHP language?
> For example, if I write:
> <?php
> echo "hello world;
> ?>
> I want to kate show a message or mark the line with the error because
> there is a missing double quote.
> Thank's
> --
> Marc Serra
> Administrador de sistemes
> <> Manxa 1876, S.L.
> Ctra. Les Tries, 85.17800 Olot (Girona)
> *Tel. 972 27 45 30 <>*
> <> *Manxa Industrial
> <>*
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> <>*
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