fuzzy-matching in quickopen...

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Thu Sep 15 23:11:44 BST 2022


I updated my kate (since quite some time) again, and the new fuzzy matching 
makes the quickopen in some cases close to unusable for me.

1) files which match and which are already open do not always end up at the top 
after filtering.
So if I type some letters, now, many files match, including files which I have 
not opened yet, and the one I want (where I was maybe 3 files ago) does not 
even end up on the first page of results, but somewhere deep down. If I have to 
scroll and search with my eyes for the correct file, it is not a "quick" open 

2) it matches just too much, or at least the scores are not good. Let's say I 
want to open a file named "creategdt.cpp", so I type "gdt". This will match all 
files which contain a "g", a "d" and a "t" somewhere in their name, like let's 
say "globaldestructor.cpp". The files which actually have "gdt" in their name, 
do not necessarily end up at the top of the list, but I have to search and 
As another example, when typing "cmake", it now among others suggest "color-
themes-gui-breeze-dark-default-text-styles.png." I think this is so far off 
that it is not useful.

3) it seems to be somewhat case sensitive. If I enter "c", it does not show 
"CMakeLists.txt". If I enter more than 1 letter, it seems to become case 

I would actually prefer to revert back to the old matching. 1) IMO needs to be 
restored, files which are open should always be above files which are not open.  
Maybe the bonus of 1 point is just too small.
3) is less critical, but should be easy.
2) ... if I have typed at least 2 characters, filenames which actually contain 
that short string should always get a higher score than filenames which just 
contain those characters somewhere in their name.

I could spend some time to work in this.
With the behaviour as it is now, I'm often quicker using the file browser or 
"open documents" tabs.

Comments ?


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