Backspace suddenly not working...

J Vernet jdvernet at
Tue Dec 27 13:23:03 GMT 2022


I'm sure this is something silly, but for the life of me, I'm unable to 
figure it out. It seems that suddenly (as in, if I did something to 
cause this, I have no idea what it was) pressing the backspace key does 
nothing in "normal" input mode. It does not move the cursor back, and it 
does not delete. 'Read Only' mode is NOT checked. Selecting "cut" from 
the "edit" menu DOES delete text. Furthermore, selecting the "vi" input 
mode and pressing backspace -> delete DOES delete text.

I've also noticed that normal hotkeys (i.e. ctrl+x for cut) are not 
functioning, leading me to believe that I somehow did something to cause 
this, but can not revert things (even by un and reinstalling).

Kate 22.12.0
Windows 10

Please CC me on responses

Thank you!

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