D24166: Status bar mode menu: Reuse empty QIcon that is implicitly shared

Nibaldo González noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Sep 23 23:32:25 BST 2019

nibags added a comment.

  In the function `KateModeMenuList::updateSelectedItem()` an empty QIcon is also created when selecting an item. It would be better to put `emptyIcon` as an attribute of the class and use it every time.
  I will do it in another commit, I have seen others bugs in the mode menu, apparently they appeared when I changed from QListWidget to QListView.

  R39 KTextEditor


To: dhaumann, cullmann
Cc: nibags, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, domson, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, demsking, cullmann, sars, dhaumann
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