D17693: Add option to treat some chars also as "auto bracket" only when we have a selection

Christoph Cullmann noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed May 8 18:38:21 BST 2019

cullmann added a comment.

  I am not sure about the "UserSetsOfCharsToEncloseSelection" part.
  Wouldn't it be enough to have the "CharsToEncloseSelection" config part and have the other thing just internal in the editor config page as "template" the user can select to fill the selection of characters?
  I don't see the real benefit to have this as config.


To: loh.tar, #ktexteditor, cullmann, mwolff, #vdg
Cc: ngraham, mwolff, cullmann, sars, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #ktexteditor, domson, michaelh, bruns, demsking, dhaumann
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