D19511: ViewPrivate: Disable read-only mode action when doc is modified

Christoph Cullmann noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Mar 4 18:28:46 GMT 2019

cullmann added a comment.

  Hmm, two things:
  1. implementation wise: don't we have a problem here that the connect(document(), &KTextEditor::DocumentPrivate::modifiedChanged, [=] { m_toggleWriteLock->setEnabled(!doc()->isModified()); }); will not be unconnected if the view dies and we call on an invalid pointer?
  2. logic wise: why not allow people to set read only if it was modified? That avoids that you type something into the document by accident.

  R39 KTextEditor


To: loh.tar, #ktexteditor
Cc: cullmann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #ktexteditor, domson, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, demsking, sars, dhaumann
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