D17443: Kate: Keyboard shortcuts F6/Shift+F6 for Next/Previous Match

gregormi noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Apr 1 17:47:26 BST 2019

gregormi added a comment.

  In D17443#441082 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D17443#441082>, @dhaumann wrote:
  > +1 for Christophs suggestion: Just remove F6 for now, this definitely will not hurt or introduce any shortcut conflict. In addition, I also agree with the changes in the replicode plugin (remove  F8 + F9).
  > @gregormi Can you update the patch so that we can proceed? Or shall we simply proceed in case you don't have time right now?
  @dhaumann: thanks for the offer, I am glad if you proceed with the change.

  R40 Kate


To: gregormi, #kate
Cc: cullmann, loh.tar, sars, dhaumann, kwrite-devel, gennad, domson, michaelh, ngraham, demsking
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