Building syntax-highlighter outside KDE

Kåre Särs kare.sars at
Mon Oct 22 13:00:12 BST 2018


On måndag 22 oktober 2018 kl. 14:13:32 EEST Diego Iastrubni wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to build the syntax-highlighter code outside of KDE, (on Mac if
> this helps anyone, but linux/windows support is important to me as well).
> From what I understand I need to have git://
> also installed... but here is my
> problem: I don't want to install this into my system. I would like to have
> both syntax-highlighter and this dependency as a git submodule in my app,
> and build "locally" (as in part of the app).
> Another option can be integration with conan or another package manager for
> C++.
> Has anyone looking into this kind of setup? How can this be done?

The idea is that you let the build system take care of dependencies and don't 
build it into your own repository.

Basically you select an "install directory" for your project and start by 
compiling and installing extra-cmake-modules & syntax-highlighting to that 
install directory. Then you compile and install your application to that same 
install directory. You pas that install directory to CMake with: 


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