D16926: Review user interaction in session management

Fabian Riethmayer noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Nov 28 08:23:54 GMT 2018

fabianr added a comment.

  In D16926#366355 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D16926#366355>, @loh.tar wrote:
  > > The Close button should probably be renamed "Select" or "Choose" so it's clear that the selected session will be made the active one
  > The Close button close the dialog, like Abort. If you mean to rename "Open" I can do it. But IIRC was the old dialog buttons named the way as they are currently.
  I would be in favor off renaming the "Open ..." button to "Select", "Choose" or "Open Session" like it used to be. "Open ..." is kind of a well known button, where the user expects a file picker to open up,  and since "Open ..." does not require any additional user actions the ellipsis is against HIG the https://hig.kde.org/style/writing/labels.html .
  >> the Don't ask again checkbox. What's being asked?
  > It's borrowed from the removed (old) KateSessionChooser dialog and only shown in "Chooser Mode". Guess it was there named "Always use this choice" but that text was too long and would break the nice layout. I didn't find a better place for that. How about at tool tip text as hint?
  To me, in the old layout this was much clearer. The checkbox to the left of buttons to remember an action is a pattern that is used commonly in KDE, but I have not seen it below some buttons.
  If you don't expect users to have a high number of sessions, maybe replacing the "Duplicate...", "Rename..." and "Delete ..." button with three icons in each row? That way a user has to only click once, instead of clicking twice (select row + button), you would get rid of the three buttons and the interaction pattern is probably easier to understand for the user. It is very obvious on which session the action is executed.
  Disadvantage; if you have a lot of sessions, the icons might clutter the interface and while the trash can and the edit icon is probably obvious to anybody, the icon for "Duplicate ..." might not.

  R40 Kate


To: loh.tar, #kate, dhaumann, ngraham, #vdg
Cc: fabianr, anthonyfieroni, cullmann, kwrite-devel, #kate, hase, michaelh, ngraham, demsking, sars, dhaumann
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