Search&Replace: split into two plugins and use it instead of the "normal" search ?

Milian Wolff mail at
Thu Mar 1 08:38:34 UTC 2018

On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 11:42:00 PM CET Alexander Neundorf wrote:
> Hi,
> the search & replace plugin supports searching in the current file (and in
> all open files), and it supports searching in files (and projects).
> Additionally, there is the "normal" search in kate in the current document.
> This search jumps from one search match to the next and cycles through them.
> It currently doesn't display how often the search term was found.
> The search&replace plugin on the other hand searches "live" in the current
> document, you immediately see how often the search term was found, and it
> lists all the matches in a list and you can jump between them.
> I would prefer if this would be the default search in kate.

I'm quite used to the existing one and use it a lot and I'm happy with it. 
Can't you just change the shortcut to have "Ctrl + F" show the search & 
replace plugin?

> Additionally, as said before, it supports searching in files.
> In that mode, personally I don't like the feature that it searches live
> while typing in the currently open file (I often want to search in a
> different directory, so searching in the current file is usually useless
> for me).
> So, how about splitting it into two plugins ?
> One which supports only searching in the current file and in all open files
> (which would then be just a checkbox instead of a combobox), and which could
> be used instead of the normal search.
> And another one which supports searching in Folders and projects, without
> the search-while-typing feature.

To me this doesn't sound like a separate plugin, but a small behavioral 
change, maybe based on some checkbox / setting, in the existing plugin.

Milian Wolff
mail at

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