RFC: Downloading xml highlighting files

Dominik Haumann dhaumann at kde.org
Mon Sep 18 17:30:25 UTC 2017

Hi all,

Kate has the feature to download updates for xml highlighting files
from https://kate-editor.org/syntax/

I see several issues with our current system:
1. We regularly forget to create new subfolders (e.g. 5.37, ...). As a
result, the download dialog fails, until we / Christoph gets notified
to fix this.
2. We have a lot of duplicate data in these subfolders: Essentially,
highlighting did not change since KDE Frameworks 5.0. Given we
currently are at version 5.38, this means we have 38 times duplicated
update folders that ALL contain exactly the same data.
3. Possible incompatibility: Think of a hl file A uses ##IncludeRules
to include the rules from a hl file B. Now, a user only downloads file
A but not B. As result, A will not work, since it cannot resolve the

In particular 3 is an issue, since we do not have dependency
management among the highlighting files.

>From this follows:
Is it worth to have this feature? Can we simply/silently drop it?
Given the KDE Frameworks are released each months, users nowadays get
the updates through the distributions much more often anyways. Should
we keep as is, since we never got bug reports about broken
dependencies so it seems to be "good enough"? Can we change the system
somehow to download a bundle that contains all hl files?



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