[Kwintv] problems using kdetv with Avacs SmartTV card

Jakub Suder psionides at megapolis.pl
Tue Mar 29 19:45:10 CEST 2005

 I've got an Avacs SmartTV tv card, which is based on SAA7134, and I'm trying 
to get it to work on my newly installed Mepis 3.3. Previously, I had Mepis 
2004 with kernel 2.6.7 and kdetv 0.8.3, in the current version there is 
kernel 2.6.10 and kdetv 0.8.5. The problem is, that in my old Linux the tv 
worked, and now it doesn't ... well, it does work partially, but not 
completely. I have such lines in /etc/modprobe.d/v4l:

alias char-major-81-0 saa7134
options saa7134 card=32

When I start kdetv using v4l2 plugin, it starts writing such messages on 
console every 1 second or so:

kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_DQBUF failed: Input/output error
kdetv: WARNING: IO error - requeuing buffer
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev::enqueueBuffer(): buffer already queued: 0
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_DQBUF failed: Input/output error
kdetv: WARNING: IO error - requeuing buffer
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_QBUF failed: Invalid argument
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_QBUF failed: Invalid argument
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_DQBUF failed: Input/output error
kdetv: WARNING: IO error - requeuing buffer
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_QBUF failed: Invalid argument
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_QBUF failed: Invalid argument
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_DQBUF failed: Input/output error

After about 20 seconds, it gives up and kdetv shows a message "Unable to grab 
video". But, when I select video4linux2 again from "video" menu in kdetv, the 
video shows up. I can watch the programme, I hear audio, everything is ok. 
Well, not everything ... when I try to change the channel, nothing happens, 
only an error on console appears:

kdetv: Kdetv::setChannel(): BBC World
kdetv: Sourcemanager: Set channel: BBC World
kdetv: WARNING: V4L2Dev: VIDIOC_S_FREQUENCY failed: Invalid argument
kdetv: ALSA Mixer Plugin: [setMuted()] Line on hw:0 muted=false

So I am able to watch tv in kdetv, but only channel TVP 2 ... (I don't know 
why this one...). Sometimes on start, it doesn't write the stuff about a 
buffer but shows video immediately, but channel switching never works.

Then I tried to use video4linux plugin, as I used it in my previous system, 
where there was no video4linux2. When I choose this plugin, I either see a 
message "unable to grab video", or just nothing. The only configuration in 
which I can make this plugin work, is with "prefer video overlay" checked, 
but then I have to restart kdetv first, and then I can watch tv (even channel 
switching works) - but it works horribly ... e.g. when I move or resize the 
window or choose something from menu, the video stops, and I have to switch 
to next channel and back, and only then it starts again.

On my previous system, I used video4linux plugin, and everything worked fine - 
I didn't have to use overlay (whatever it is...). Only sometimes, I used to 
get a message that it can't grab video, and had to change the mode in 
plugin's configuration from XVideo to X11, and then it worked, only the 
picture wasn't resized; and next time I was able to use XVideo again, I 
didn't knew what was the cause of this ...

So, could somebody please give me some advice on what should I do? I'm 
attaching logs from kdetv and some commands (v4l-info, xvinfo, lsmod) - I 
don't know if they can be useful, but maybe some of them can ...

Thanks in advance,
Jakub "Psionides" Suder

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