[Kwintv] TV volume control

Bharat Reddy barureddy at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 13 04:55:11 CET 2005

I have been having problems with tv volume control of
my BT878 for as long as I have been using kwintv. I
use to do what the faqs suggested and compile the
module in but recently since I have been using the
externally made alsa drivers due to better support,
and I have been unable to compile that driver into my
kernel any more due to alsa and oss conflicts. Thus I
have been out of luck.

Programs like xawtv has had support for this simple
feature of directly controlling the volume of my tv
card directly for a while and therefore was forced to
use it. However I have found the temp solution from
the gentoo forums

I just run v4lctl -c /dev/video0 setattr 'volume'
55000 in during startup and it works fine. However I'm
not able to change the volume unless I rerun the
command again with a different value.

This is a key feature for those of us who want use
this program and a great new feature to have.

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