[Kwintv] Starting an QtVision FAQ...

Dirk Ziegelmeier dirk at ziegelmeier.net
Sat Sep 20 14:24:46 CEST 2003

On Saturday 20 September 2003 09:57, Stefan Hellwig wrote:
> I was wondering if it is time to create a FAQ for QtVision to put on the
> website (www.kwintv.org). Especially the thing with the empty devices
> dialog and maybe some more info could be put in there.
IMHO you can add "no permission to use /dev/videoX" and no 'Load "v4l"' in 
To help trouble diagnostics, one could start qtvision from konsole and 
read/email the messages.
Another helpful thing for crash bugreports are backtraces. Describe the way to 
get a bt in short ("configure --enable-debug", "make install", "gdb 
qtvision", "run", make it crash, "bt"). Yes, this isn't qtvision specific, 
but since it helps getting good bugreports...


Dirk Ziegelmeier * dirk at ziegelmeier.net * http://www.ziegelmeier.net

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