[Kwintv] Closed Captioning and Screenshots

kwintv@mail.kde.org kwintv@mail.kde.org
Sat, 8 Feb 2003 06:26:26 -0600

AFAIK, the only way to do this would be to capture the screen, and dump the 
image through a OCR program, such as clara. The xawtv package comes with a neat 
program called 'webcam', that can time delay captures from V4L devices. Couple 
these two, and you should get your desired result.

Quoting Jason Bilbrey <jason@bilbrey.com>:

> Do you have any idea of what utilities I could use to capture closed
> captioning information from a TV tuner card in linux.  I'd also like to
> be able to capture occasional screenshots (once every 15 seconds,
> etc...) but that would be optional...
> I don't want video, just closed captioning...
> Any ideas?
> -- 
> Jason Bilbrey <jason@bilbrey.com>
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