[kwintv] RH 7.2 and crash on startup

Jan Tait kwintv@mail.kde.org
Fri, 22 Feb 2002 14:45:26 +0200

I've seen this before.  I installed kwintv0.8.10 on RH7.2 and it
When I however first installed 0.8.9 ran the thing (for each user) and
tried to do the 0.8.10 one again (it had better other stuff), it ran
problems. Can you check consistency?? I have not yet installed 0.8.11
on the
RH 7.2 box.


>>Message: 8
>>From: ChrisW <chrisw@informafax.com>
>>To: kwintv@mail.kde.org 
>>Date: 22 Feb 2002 00:04:13 -0700
>>Subject: [Kwintv] RH7.2 Install , program crashes on startup
>>Reply-To: kwintv@mail.kde.org 
>>Its very possible I am missing something, but I am usure what.
>>Here is the error and the command line I used to run kwintv:
>>[chrisw@server kwintv-0.8.11]$ kwintv
>>KCrash: crashing.... crashRecursionCounter = 2
>>KCrash: Application Name = kwintv path = <unknown> pid = 23299
>>[chrisw@server kwintv-0.8.11]$
>>Thanks for the help.