[Kwintv] Make Errors

John Campbell kwintv@mail.kde.org
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 18:43:47 -0800

On Tuesday 10 December 2002 04:27 am, Mike Horton wrote:
> Today i deleted the entire dir where I put the cvs for kwintv and check=
> out everything again. I am still getting the same errors.>
> > I'm running Mandrake 9.0, automake 1.6.3 and autoconf 2.1.3 and
> > compiled today  with no trouble.

I thought maybe it could be that you're compiling kwintv while I'm runnin=
qtvision.  But I just checked out kwintv and it managed to configure. =20
Although it couldn't compile because it's just too old...

Looking through aclocal.a4, at the point where your errors start it looks=
there's a problem with user library paths being set.  You've had things=20
running before, so the problem has to be a change between then and now.  =
it's in the pre-configure stuff, it's most likely in acinclude.a4.in, as=20
that's pretty much the only thing I can see that has been updated in the =
two months that isn't post-configure.

You haven't done something like install KDE3.1rc# have you?

I noticed that admin/acinclude.a4.in has been updated in kde-common again=
at least twice today.

Which mirror are you running from?  I noticed when anoncvs.kde.org went o=
the air a while back, that several of the cvs mirrors are a little out of=

Just in case, here's a script someone posted a while ago.

----------------------- cut here -------------------------------------

export CVSROOT=3D:pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde

if [ ! -e ~/.cvsrc ]
   echo -e "cvs -z4 -q\ndiff -u3 -p\nupdate -dP\ncheckout -P" > ~/.cvsrc

        cvs login || exit
# cd into a directory where you would like to put the KWinTV sources.
        if [ ! -d qtvision ] ; then mkdir qtvision ; fi
        cd qtvision
# Do a checkout of the following CVS modules:
#       cvs checkout kdenonbeta/kwintv || exit
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/kwintv3 || exit
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/libsearch || exit
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/kdedb || exit
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/librss || exit
        cvs checkout kde-common || exit
# In addition you should check out the following files:
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/Makefile.am.in
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/Makefile.cvs
        cvs checkout kdenonbeta/configure.in.in
        cvs logout
# Set your KDE environment correctly, for example:
        export KDEDIR=3D/usr/lib/kde3
        export QTDIR=3D/usr/lib/qt3
        export KDEHOME=3D$HOME/.kde3
        export PATH=3D$QTDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH
        export MANPATH=3D$QTDIR/doc/man:$MANPATH
# Change into the kdenonbeta directory:
        cd kdenonbeta
        cp Makefile.am.in Makefile.am
# Create a symbolic link to the admin directory:
        ln -s ../kde-common/admin admin
# Execute the following commands (some can only be done as root):
        make -f Makefile.cvs
#       ./configure --prefix=3D/usr --enable-debug
        ./configure --prefix=3D/usr
        cd libsearch
        make && make install
        cd ../librss
        make && make install
        cd ../kdedb
        make && make install
        cd ../kwintv3
        make && make install
#       cd ../kwintv